Error Loading Playlist Not a Valid Rss Json Feed

Error Loading Playlist Not a Valid Rss Json Feed

t4json Docs

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The t4json module was created to make working with json files in python easier. It is built on top of the standard json module that comes with python. It is pure python and does not have any non-standard dependencies. Therefore, information technology should work on a plain install of python 3.half dozen or afterward on any OS right out of the box.


  • Open up json data from a file, url, or string with the T4Json class.
  • Use methods to brand some changes.
  • Save changes.
  • That'southward it. Your done..


  • Utilise paths to navigate the json data simply like in the file system. As well includes relative/absolute path navigating.
  • Easily make changes like changing the name of a fundamental, irresolute a value, adding new items, moving/copying items to new locations, deleting items, flattening, and more. All with piece of cake to use and intuitive methods.
  • Easily open up json data - just pass a File Path, URL, or Json Cord when creating the T4Json object, and it will automatically figure out what is what and requite y'all the data you need to work with.
  • And more.

T4json is designed to but and hands work with json data without any hassle. Information technology tin exist used to make simple quick changes, more complex changes, or to just retrieve information. All with only a few lines of lawmaking that are piece of cake to understand and read.


Using pip:

pip install t4json

Or just download the code from GitHub and use as a local module within your project... which may exist more useful if you want to brand changes to it.


  • All methods within the T4Json grade will return un-copied mutable data. This is then that you tin can access the data and dispense it just as you lot would if you lot were using the json module. You lot tin can utilize the built in copy() method of the returned mutable data to make a shallow re-create... or you can use the copy module to make a deep copy.
  • Feel gratis to open it up and change some default arguments of the methods. If an argument looks like <parameter proper name>: <expected value> = None then that default argument needs to be changed with the attributes in the __init__() method of the T4Json form. If the expected value/s has None in it like <parameter name>:<some expected value> | None = None. In that instance but change the default value of that parameter from None to something else if the arguments expected values allow information technology. Any 'flagged' T4Json methods or variables that wait similar __<proper noun of method or var>__ are not safe to tamper with every bit they are used by the T4Json grade for processing the json data…


  • Anything that holds data is called a container. Such as a dictionary or list
  • A pair is short for a cardinal/value pair or json object.
  • A value is annihilation that has a corresponding central or index.
  • A cardinal is a string that is used to proceeds access to a value within a pair container.
  • An index is an integer that is used to proceeds access to a value within a list container.
  • An item is a non-container value.
  • A pair container is a dictionary.
  • A list container is simply a list.
  • If a path is fix to an empty string ""… it is accessing the base container.

JSON Conversion Table

In one case you are done making changes/creating your json file... it needs to be serialized / saved so that it can then be understood past other programs. For python to understand the JSON data it needs to be deserialized/loaded into a python information structure like a lexicon or listing. Beneath are the tables used for that conversion process.

Converting/Encoding to JSON:

Python t4json JSON
dict pair container object
list/tuple list container assortment
str <--------------> string
int, bladder, int- & float-derived Enums <--------------> number
True <--------------> true
Simulated <--------------> false
None <--------------> null

Converting/Decoding from JSON to Python data structures:

JSON t4json Python
object pair container dict
array listing container listing/tuple
string <--------------> str
number (int) <--------------> int
number (real) <--------------> float
true <--------------> Truthful
imitation <--------------> Fake
goose egg <--------------> None

Overview of Available Global Functions

  • is_valid_json_data()
  • convert_to_valid_json_ready_data()
  • serialize_to_string()
  • deserialize_from_string

Overview of T4Json Class Methods

The parameters are not shown in the methods listed below.

Editing Methods

  • add()
  • chage_value()
  • change_key()
  • move_from_to()
  • copy_from_to()
  • delete()
  • delete_empty_containers()
  • overwrite()
  • wipe()
  • format()
  • flatten()

Reading Methods

  • read()
  • pair()
  • pairs()
  • primal()
  • keys()
  • values()
  • all_pairs()
  • all_values()
  • all_keys()
  • search()
  • json_string()

Settings Methods

  • set_working_level()
  • set_indentation()
  • set_sort_keys()
  • set_only_ascii()
  • set_ignore_errors()
  • set_path_separator_properties()
  • set_json_separators()
  • is_sorting_keys()
  • is_only_ascii()
  • is_ignoring_errors()
  • get_working_level()
  • get_indentation()
  • get_path_separator_properties()
  • reset_settings()

I/O Methods

  • load()
  • load_file()
  • load_from_string()
  • load_from_url()
  • save()
  • save_as()
  • json_string()
  • new()
  • close()

Other/Misc Methods

  • is_path_existent()
  • is_path_relative()

T4Json Methods

The cocky parameter is omitted in the proceeding documentation.

Also, a parameter that is in about methods named ignore_errors has been omitted. What ignore_errors does is ignore not-critical errors such equally the path or primal existence incorrect.

Editing Methods:

T4Json. add together(value, path='', existing_keys='pass', create=Fake, index=None, integrate_list_with_list=False)

This method can be used to add new data anywhere in the json data.

value This can be a dictionary of new pairs/s that y'all want to add to the current data, or information technology tin can exist a string, integer, bladder, boolean, none, string, or list.

path leads to the location where the data will be added.

existing_keys - This parameter specifies what to do with keys that already exist on the current level. If set to "pass" then any key/s that already exists on the current level volition be ignored. If gear up to "replace" and so whatsoever fundamental/s that already exist on the current level will have its value be replaced by the value of the new key/s. If set to "combine" so whatsoever key/s that already exist on the electric current level will take its value be combined with the value of the new key/due south in a list. If prepare to "integrate" so whatever primal/s that already exist on the current level will have its value be integrated as best every bit possible with the value of the new key/south. If both the new and existing primal/s have values that are containers... they will be integrated into one container.

create when fix to True a listing will be created if path leads to a non-container particular. This listing will include the non-container item along with the new value. Otherwise, if it is Fake it will heighten an AddError .

index when path leads to a list and this argument is passed and integer... value volition exist inserted at the specified index. A string can too be passed to bespeak where to place value. It tin can exist "center" (or "half"), "4q", "3q", "2q", "1q" or "0q" (The "q" stands for quarters)... or information technology can be a positive integer in a string that represents a proportional percentage/scale of where to identify value... with "0" beingness at the commencement and "100" existence the end. When None is passed, value will be placed at the stop of the list.

integrate_list_with_list - If path leads to a list and value is a list and then both lists volition be integrated into one list.

T4Json. change_value(path, new_value)

This method can be used to alter the value of a key anywhere in the json data.

path leads to the key which holds the value you want to change.

new_value is what you want to replace the onetime value with… It tin can be a cord, integer, float, boolean, none, dictionary, or list.

T4Json. change_key(path, new_key, existing_key='error')

This method can be used to modify the name of a fundamental anywhere in the json data.

path leads to the fundamental that y'all want to change.

new_key this is the new key… A string, integer, float, boolean or none volition be accepted simply they of course volition exist converted to a string.

existing_key - This parameter specifies what to do if a cardinal already exists on the current level. If set to "laissez passer" and then the key that already exists on the current level it will be ignored and nothing will alter. If set up to "supervene upon" so the fundamental that already exist on the current level volition take its value be replaced by the value of the old primal being changed. If fix to "combine" then the key that already exist on the current level will have its value be combined with the value of the old central in a listing. If set to "integrate" and then the primal that already be on the current level volition take its value be integrated equally best every bit possible with the value of the old primal. If both the existing and old keys accept values that are containers... they will exist integrated into one container. If set to "mistake" an ArgumentError will exist raised if a primal already exists on the current level.

T4Json. move_from_to(from_path, to_path, only_contents=Fake, existing_key='laissez passer', create=Imitation, alphabetize=None, integrate_list_with_list=Simulated)

This method tin can be used to motility the specified data around inside the json information. If you try to move data farther into itself an InvalidStructurePathError will be raised.

from_path should pb to the cardinal/json object of the data yous desire to move.

to_path should lead to the location where the information will exist moved.

only_contents when set up to True just the contents/value of the key/json object will exist moved. Otherwise, if False the json object/cardinal - value pair itself will be moved.

existing_keys - This parameter specifies what to practise with keys that already be on the current level. If set to "laissez passer" then whatsoever key/due south that already exists on the target level will exist ignored. If gear up to "replace" and then any key/due south that already exist on the target level will accept its value exist replaced by the value of the new key/s. If prepare to "combine" then any primal/s that already be on the target level will take its value be combined with the value of the new key/south in a list. If set to "integrate" so any fundamental/southward that already exist on the target level will have its value be integrated as best as possible with the value of the new key/s. If both the new and existing fundamental/s have values that are containers... they will be integrated into one container.

create when set up to True a listing will be created if path leads to a non-container item. This listing will include the non-container item along with the moved value. Otherwise, if it is False it will raise an AddError .

index when to_path leads to a listing and this argument is passed and integer... the value from from_path volition be inserted at the specified index. A string can also be passed to indicate where to identify the value. It can be "center" (or "half"), "4q", "3q", "2q", "1q" or "0q" (The "q" stands for quarters)... or it tin be a positive integer in a string that represents a proportional percentage/scale of where to place the value... with "0" being at the start and "100" being the finish. When None is passed, the value will be placed at the end of the listing.

integrate_list_with_list - If to_path leads to a list and the value from from_path is a listing then both lists will exist integrated into ane list.

T4Json. copy_from_to(from_path, to_path, only_contents=False, overwrite_existing=False, create=False, index=None, integrate_list_with_list=Imitation)

This method can exist used to re-create the specified data to another location inside the json data.

from_path should lead to the key/json object of the data you desire to motility.

to_path should lead to the location where the data will be moved.

All the other arguments are the same every bit in move_from_to().

T4Json. delete(path)

This method tin can exist used to delete the specified data.

path should atomic number 82 to the pair/detail you want to delete.

T4Json. delete_empty_containers(path)

This method can exist used to delete any keys with empty containers as values.

path should lead to the level in which you want to remove any keys that accept an empty container as values.

T4Json. overwrite(start)

This method can be used to first fresh.

get-go tin be a dictionary, list, tuple (which will be converted to a listing), cord, integer, float, boolean, or none. All current information will exist overwritten/replaced with get-go.

T4Json. wipe() or clear()

Simply deletes everything and leaves you with an empty container.

T4Json. format(indentation=four, sort_keys=True, only_ascii=False)

This method formats the json file to make information technology look dainty.

indentation Sets the indentation amount of the json file.

sort_keys Volition sort all the keys in the json file in alphabetical and numerical order.

only_ascii will escape any non-ASCII characters.

T4Json. flatten(path='', chain_key=False, chain_key_separator='_', flatten_opposite_container_type=True, pull_pairs_from_lists=True, pull_lists_from_pairs=False, existing_keys='integrate', list_index=None, delete_empty_containers=True)

This method flattens nested data.

path tin exist used to select which level you want to flatten.

chain_keys when set to True the data will exist flattened with all the keys being renamed to include there previous parents names.

chain_key_separator - This is used every bit the separator between the keys every bit they are existence renamed to include their previous parents names. chain_keys must exist set to True for this argument to use.

flatten_opposite_container_type when ready to True the opposite container type of the target one being flattened will also be flattened. For example: If you are flattening a pair container so all the listing containers inside the pair container will also exist flattened. Or if you are flattening a list container then all the pair containers within that listing container will be flattened.

pull_pairs_from_lists - If flatting a pair container... then any pair/s contained in lists volition exist pulled out and flattened. This volition only work if flatten_opposite_container_type has been ready to Truthful.

pull_list_from_pairs - If flatting a list container... and so whatsoever pair/s within that data that contain lists as values will be pulled out and flattened. This will only work if flatten_opposite_container_type has been set to True.

existing_keys - This parameter specifies what to do with keys that already exist on the base level. If gear up to "pass" then any key/s that already exists on the base of operations level will be ignored. If set up to "replace" then whatever key/s that already exist on the base level will accept its value be replaced by the value of the new fundamental/s. If set to "combine" and so any key/south that already exist on the base level will accept its value exist combined with the value of the new fundamental/southward in a listing. If set to "integrate" and then any key/s that already exist on the base of operations level will accept its value be integrated every bit all-time as possible with the value of the new key/southward. If both the new and existing fundamental/southward have values that are containers... they will exist integrated into 1 container.

list_index when a list is being flattened any nested contents will be pulled to the specified index. A string can also be passed to indicate where to place the value. It tin exist "center" (or "half"), "4q", "3q", "2q", "1q" or "0q" (The "q" stands for quarters)... or it tin can be a positive integer in a string that represents a proportional percent/scale of where to identify the value... with "0" being at the start and "100" existence the end. When None is passed, the value volition be placed at the cease of the list. If a nested list is being flattened, and you want the contents to keep their positions than laissez passer "hold".

delete_empty_containers - Once the flatting is all done and dusted and if this is ready to True then any keys with empty containers as values will be deleted.

Reading Methods:

T4Json. read(path='')

Returns the value of wherever path leads.

path Leads to the central that will have its value be returned.

T4Json. json_string(path='', indent=None, sort_keys=None, only_ascii=None, separators=None)

Returns a json formatted cord. This cord can then… for example be saved to a file.

path Leads to the key that will accept its value be returned as a json formatted string.

indent Can be an Integer, String, or None. If an Integer is passed then the json will take its indentation set to the specified amount of whitespaces. If a string is passed then it will be used equally the indentation space. If None is passed so there will be no indentation.

sort_keys When Truthful is passed the key volition be sorted in alphabetical/numerical order.

only_ascii When ready to True any non-ascii characters will be escaped/encoded.

separators Must be a tuple with two items. The fist is used to separate pairs or items. Information technology is ", " by default. The second is used to carve up central and values. It is ": " by default.

T4Json. pair(path, as_dictionary=False)

Returns a pair in the class of a tuple (key, value) or dictionary pair {key: value} from wherever path leads.

path Leads to the value that volition be put in a tuple along with its key.

as_dictionary When Truthful the target pair will be returned as dictionary - {primal: value}, otherwise it volition be returned as a tuple - (fundamental, value).

T4Json. pairs(path='', as_dictionaries=False)

Returns a list of tuples of (key, value) pairs - [(cardinal, value), (key, value)..] of the selected level. This method is very similar to the items() method of dict.

path Leads to the fundamental that will take its contents be returned in this format.

as_dictionaries When set to False information technology will return all the pairs like so - (primal, value). If fix to True they will be returned every bit - {cardinal: value}

T4Json. key(path)

Returns the key of the value that path leads to. If the value is in a listing the values index will be returned every bit an integer.

path Leads to the value that will accept its fundamental exist returned.

T4Json. keys(path='')

Returns a list of all the of keys in the location that is specified by path. If path leads to a non-container value than it will return the primal of that value.

path Leads to the container where the keys are.

T4Json. values(path='')

Returns a listing of all the of values in the location that is specified by path. If path leads to a non-container value than that value will only be returned.

path Leads to the key that will accept its value be returned.

T4Json. all_pairs(path='', search_lists=True, as_dictionaries=Faux)

Returns a list of tuples of all (key, value) pairs equally - [(key, value), (key, value)..] past a point specified by path.

path Leads to the central that will take its contents exist returned in this format.

return_as_dictionaries When set to Truthful volition return all the pairs like so - {key: value}. If set to Faux they volition exist returned as - (key, value)

search_lists When gear up to Truthful volition also search through lists for pairs.

T4Json. all_keys(path='', search_lists=True, as_paths: bool = Fake)

Returns a list of all the keys by a certain point which is specified by path. This method merely returns keys that accept a non-container value

path Leads to the container where all keys by itself volition be returned.

search_lists When set to True will also search through lists for keys.

as_paths If fix to True will return all the keys equally paths to where they are in within the data.

T4Json. all_values(path='', search_lists=Truthful)

Returns a list of all the of values in the location that is specified past path. If path leads to a non-container value than that value volition simply exist returned.

path Leads to the key that volition take its value be returned.

search_lists When set to True will too search through lists for values that take a corresponding central.

T4Json. search(key, path='', search_list=True)

Searches through all the json data or (past a certain signal specified by path) for key. If at that place are multiple keys with the aforementioned name spread throughout the data, a list of their all there values volition be returned.

path Leads to the key that will have its value be returned.

search_lists When set to Truthful will besides search through lists for values that have a respective fundamental.

Settings Methods:

T4Json. set_working_level(path='')

Sets the working level within a nested data structure.

path Leads to the level that will be prepare every bit the electric current working level. If path leads to a non-container value than its parent container will be selected every bit the electric current working level.

T4Json. set_indentation(indentation)

Sets the indentation of the json file which will be applied when information technology is saved/serialized.

indentation Can be an Integer, String, or None. If an Integer is passed then the json volition have its indentation fix to the specified corporeality of whitespaces. If a string is passed then it will be used as the indentation space. If None is passed and so there volition exist no indentation.

T4Json. set_sort_keys(boolean)

boolean When Truthful is passed the fundamental will be sorted in alphabetical/numerical order. This will be practical when the file is saved/serialized.

T4Json. set_only_ascii(boolean)

boolean When set to True any non-ascii characters will be escaped/encoded. This will be practical when the file is saved/serialized.

T4Json. set_ignore_errors(boolean)

boolean If True is passed then any not-disquisitional errors (such as the path being incorrect) will be ignored.

T4Json. set_path_separator_properties(separator, relative, relative_back)

Sets the path separator and relative path navigation backdrop.

separator is the character/due south used to separate the keys. It is "\\" by default.

relative is the character/due south used at the commencement of the path to signify that it is starting at the current working level. It is "." past default.

relative_back is the character/southward used at the outset of the path to signify that it is starting at the current working level and going support ane level. There can be multiple relative back commands to become back up multiple levels earlier continuing with a normal path. relative_back is ". ." by default.

T4Json. set_json_separators(item_separator, key_value_separator)

Sets the pair and item separator properties for the json data when it is saved/serialized. The most compact arguments would be ("," and ":") instead of the default (", " and ": ").

item_separator is used to separate pairs or items. It is ", " by default.

pair_separator is used to separate key and values. It is ": " by default.

T4Json. is_sorting_keys()

Returns True if the keys are beingness sorted in alphabetical/numerical order. Otherwise, it returns False.

T4Json. is_only_ascii()

Returns True if all non-ascii characters are being escaped/encoded. Otherwise, it returns False.

T4Json. is_ignoring_errors()

Returns True if non-critical errors are being ignored. Otherwise, Imitation is returned.

T4Json. get_working_level()

Returns the current working level every bit a path.

T4Json. get_indentation()

Returns the indentation holding. An Integer, String or None can be expected.

T4Json. get_path_separator_properties()

Returns the path separator properties in a tuple - (path separator, relative control, relative_back command)

T4Json. reset_settings()

Resets whatsoever settings that have been inverse... back to their original default values.

I/O Methods:

Notation - Two parameters take been left out in the documentation beneath. They are encoding and encoding_errors/errors. These parameters are part of the built-in open() function. Check out the open() functions docs for more information.

T4Json. load(source, create=False)

This method loads the json information. It can receive a File Path, URL, or JSON Cord.

source must be passed a string - File Path, URL, or JSON String.

create If you are attempting to load a file that does not be and this parameter is set to True and so the not-existent file will be created.

T4Json. load_file(file_path, create=False)

Loads the Json data from a specified file.

file_path must be passed a path that leads to the file you desire to open.

create If you are attempting to load a file that does not exist and this parameter is prepare to True then the non-existent file will be created.

T4Json. load_from_string(string)

Loads Json data from a string.

string must be passed a Cord of serialized json data.

T4Json. load_from_url(url)

Loads json data from the specified URL.

url must be passed a URL that leads to the Json data y'all want to load from the internet.

T4Json. salve(indent=None, sort_keys=None, only_ascii=None, separators=None)

Saves the currently opened file if a file has already been opened.

indent Tin can be an Integer, String, or None. If an Integer is passed and so the json volition take its indentation ready to the specified amount of whitespaces. If a string is passed and then it volition be used as the indentation space. If None is passed then there will be no indentation.

sort_keys When True is passed the fundamental will be sorted in alphabetical/numerical society.

only_ascii When set to True any non-ascii characters will be escaped/encoded.

separators Must be a tuple with ii items. The fist is used to separate pairs or items. It is ", " by default. The 2nd is used to separate key and values. It is ": " by default.

T4Json. save_as(file_path, overwrite=False, indent=None, sort_keys=None, only_ascii=None, separators=None)

Save the JSON data as a new file.

_file_path Is the new file proper name which tin can include a path to wherever you lot want to identify it.

overwrite When set to True and file_path already exist then the already existing file will have its contents overwritten.

indent Can be an Integer, Cord, or None. If an Integer is passed then the json will have its indentation set to the specified corporeality of whitespaces. If a cord is passed then it will be used as the indentation infinite. If None is passed and then there volition be no indentation.

sort_keys When True is passed the key volition exist sorted in alphabetical/numerical club.

only_ascii When set to True any non-ascii characters will be escaped/encoded.

separators Must be a tuple with ii items. The fist is used to carve up pairs or items. It is ", " by default. The 2nd is used to split up key and values. It is ": " by default.

T4Json. json_string(path='', indent=None, sort_keys=None, only_ascii=None, separators=None)

Returns a json formatted string. This cord tin so.. for example be saved to a file.

path Leads to the primal that volition have its value be returned every bit a json formatted string.

indent Can exist an Integer, Cord, or None. If an Integer is passed then the json will take its indentation set to the specified amount of whitespaces. If a string is passed then information technology will be used every bit the indentation space. If None is passed then there will exist no indentation.

sort_keys When Truthful is passed the key will exist sorted in alphabetical/numerical lodge.

only_ascii When set to Truthful any non-ascii characters will exist escaped/encoded.

separators Must be a tuple with two items. The fist is used to divide pairs or items. It is ", " by default. The 2d is used to separate fundamental and values. It is ": " by default.

T4Json. new()

Receives whatever is passed to value equally the new json data to work with. This way you could laissez passer a dictionary or list and that would become the data yous piece of work with and save as JSON.

T4Json. close()

Just closes the data that's already open and leaves you with an empty dictionary.

Other/Misc Methods:

T4Json. is_path_existent(path)

Checks to see if path exist in the currently opened data structure. Truthful is return if information technology does exist... and False otherwise.

T4Json. is_path_relative(path)

Checks to see if path is a relative path. True is returned if it is... and Simulated otherwise.

Global Functions


This function returns True if the JSON data is valid. Otherwise, information technology returns False.

source must be passed a cord - File Path, URL, or JSON String.


Converts value into json fix data. It will remove any unsupported keys and catechumen the keys that are not string into strings.

value must be passed a lexicon, list, tuple or whatsoever other basic blazon of python information.

serialize_to_string(value, indent=None, sort_keys=None, only_ascii=None, separators=None)

Returns a json formatted string from value. This string can then.. for example be saved to a file.

value must exist passed a dictionary, list, tuple or whatever other basic type of python data.

indent Can be an Integer, String, or None. If an Integer is passed then the json will accept its indentation set to the specified amount of whitespaces. If a string is passed so it will exist used as the indentation infinite. If None is passed then there will be no indentation.

sort_keys When True is passed the key will be sorted in alphabetical/numerical order.

only_ascii When fix to True any non-ascii characters volition exist escaped/encoded.

separators Must be a tuple with two items. The fist is used to split pairs or items. It is ", " by default. The 2nd is used to separate primal and values. It is ": " by default.


Loads Json data from a cord and returns the python data construction.

string must be passed a String of serialized json information.


Loading the Data

Note - ( Each one of the examples below is all past itself. ) To load json data but pass the data in when initializing the t4json object. Examples:

          data          =          T4Json          (          'instance.json'          )        


          data          =          T4Json          (          ''          )        


          json_data          =          """{          "name": "John"          "age": 67          "wealth": "above average"          "family unit": null          }"""          data          =          T4Json          (          json_data          )        

If you want to load json information later or have already loaded json data and want to load something else then simply call ane of the load methods similar then - data.load("new_example.json").

If you want to start with a clean slate and create json data from scratch then:

          data          =          T4Json          ()          # start adding items hither        

By default, when creating new json data, the initial data is just an empty dictionary. If you lot want to specify the starting data to work with... pass it to the new() method:

          fresh_start          =          {          'version'          :          1.0          }          information          =          T4Json          ()          data          .          new          (          fresh_start          )          # showtime adding items here        

Annotation - ( The new() method will simply create an empty dictionary if null is passed to it. )

Using Paths to Navigate the Data

Note - ( This section assumes familiarity with absolute/relative paths within the file system. ) One time the data is loaded you tin navigate it using paths - similar to a file/directory path. If y'all are working in some nested part of the information then you tin ready that equally the current working level to make information technology easier to read/edit the information in there. For case: Hither is the json data in a file we volition call settings.json:

          {                                        "cyberspace"          :                              {                                        "airplane mode"          :                              false          ,                                        "wifi"          :                              [          truthful          ,                              {          "known"          :                              [          "home"          ,                              "office"          ]}],                                        "wifi calling"          :                              false          ,                                        "mobile hotspot"          :                              false          ,                                        "mobile data"          :                              false                                        },                                        "bluetooth"          :                              [          true          ,                              {          "paired"          :                              [          "headphones"          ,                              "laptop"          ]}],                                        "sound"          :                              {                                        "volume"          :                              65          ,                              "vibration"          :                              true          ,                                        "ringtone"          :                              "guitar"          ,                              "notification"          :                              "ping"                                        },                                        "brandish"          :                              {                                        "effulgence"          :                              {          "auto"          :                              true          ,                              "level"          :                              80          },                                        "wallpaper"          :                              "trees"          ,                                        "navigation bar"          :                              "gesture"          ,                                        "font"          :                              70          ,                                        "timeout time"          :                              30                                        }                    }                  

Note - ( The default path separator is '\\' - 2 back slashes - brand certain that the fist backslash is not escaped by the second backslash. This can exist washed by prefixing the cord with an 'r'. Y'all can change the path separator properties using the set_path_separator_properties() method. )

Hither is some code beingness run in the terminal using paths to navigate the data. It shows the difference between absolute vs relative paths.


          >>>          data          =          T4Json          (          'hero_file.json'          )          >>>          data          .          read          (          r          'display          \\          brightness          \\          motorcar'          )          True          >>>          data          .          read          (          r          'internet          \\          wifi          \\          1          \\          known'          )          [          'home'          ,          'office'          ]          >>>          data          .          read          (          r          'display          \\          brightness          \\          level'          )          80          >>>          data          .          read          (          'sound'          )          {          'book'          :          65          ,          'vibration'          :          True          ,          'ringtone'          :          'guitar'          ,          'notification'          :          'ping'          }        


          >>>          data          .          set_working_level          (          r          'internet          \\          wifi          \\          1'          )          >>>          data          .          read          (          r          '.          \\          known          \\          0'          )          domicile          >>>          data          .          read          (          r          '.          \\          known'          )          [          'habitation'          ,          'part'          ]          >>>          data          .          read          (          r          '..          \\          0'          )          True          >>>          data          .          read          (          r          '..          \\          ..          \\          ..          \\          bluetooth          \\          i          \\          paired'          )          [          'headphones'          ,          'laptop'          ]          >>>          information          .          read          (          r          '..          \\          ..          \\          ..          \\          sound          \\          volume'          )          65          >>>          information          .          read          (          r          '..          \\          ..          \\          ..          \\          brandish          \\          brightness'          )          {          'auto'          :          Truthful          ,          'level'          :          lxxx          }        

Note - (There can be a separator at the outset of the path if yous desire it. Sometimes it may be necessary to do that if there is a key that is an empty string "". This is because an empty string "" is used to access the base level. Then both \\formed and formed would be the same thing.) Using these relative paths nosotros non but tin read but can practise all sorts of edits easily and without the hassle of ever having to walk down the path of nested data.

Searching the Data

Y'all can search the data for a specific key if the keys value is not a pair container. We will utilise this URL equally an instance:

          >>>          data          =          T4Json          (          ''          )          >>>          information          .          search          (          'powers'          )        

Look at the json information from the URL and encounter how it looks compared to the searched data below.

          [                                        "Radiations resistance"          ,                                                  "Turning tiny"          ,                                                  "Radiations boom"          ,                                                  "One thousand thousand tonne punch"          ,                                                  "Damage resistance"          ,                                                  "Superhuman reflexes"          ,                                                  "Immortality"          ,                                                  "Heat Amnesty"          ,                                                  "Inferno"          ,                                                  "Teleportation"          ,                                                  "Interdimensional travel"                    ]                  

Flattening Nested Data

Flattening nested data is turning something like this [[1, ii, 3, [iv, 5]], 6, seven, 8] into this [1, ii, three, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Nested data can be flattened using the T4Json.flatten() method. Below is an example of flattening some information from this URL.

          >>>          data          =          T4Json          (          ''          )          >>>          data          .          flatten          ()          >>>          data          .          read          ()        

Expect at the original json information from the URL and compare information technology with the flattened data below.

          {                                        "squadName"          :                              "Super Hero Squad"          ,                                                  "homeTown"          :                              "Metro Metropolis"          ,                                                  "formed"          :                              2016          ,                                                  "secretBase"          :                              "Super tower"          ,                                                  "active"          :                              true          ,                                                  "name"          :                              [                                        "Molecule Man"          ,                                                  "Madame Uppercut"          ,                                                  "Eternal Flame"                                        ],                                                  "age"          :                              [                                        29          ,                                                  39          ,                                                  1000000                                        ],                                                  "secretIdentity"          :                              [                                        "Dan Jukes"          ,                                                  "Jane Wilson"          ,                                                  "Unknown"                                        ],                                                  "powers"          :                              [                                        "Radiation resistance"          ,                                                  "Turning tiny"          ,                                                  "Radiations smash"          ,                                                  "Million tonne punch"          ,                                                  "Impairment resistance"          ,                                                  "Superhuman reflexes"          ,                                                  "Immortality"          ,                                                  "Heat Immunity"          ,                                                  "Inferno"          ,                                                  "Teleportation"          ,                                                  "Interdimensional travel"                                        ]                    }                  


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